Problem evropskog identiteta: Uvod u antropologiju Evropske unije


Ivana Gačanović
Faculty of Philosohy, University of Belgrade


In this book I analyzed identity politics of the European Union (EU) through bricolage of analytical procedures that are typical of anthropology of public policies and anthropology of multiculturalism. On the basis of contemporary anthropological theories of culture and identity, and in virtue of specific ap- proach of the anthropology of public policies, the main aim of the book is to demonstrate the way in which contemporary anth- ropological theory can contribute in understanding and critical consideration of various endeavors of Europe`s cultural integra- tion on cultural level.

Relying on the research already published within the emerging research tradition – the anthropology of EU – I demonstrate that the idea of "European identity" represents an amalgam of inconsistent ideas, strategies, and efforts. It forms a supra-national identity based on "the common European heritage", but also as a result of exceptional unification of legislation and principles of universal human rights on the global level (including the respect of collective cultural differences which is particularly questionable for anthropology). Such amalgam poses a significant challenge for anthropological research, especially for general anthropological theory of cultural identity.

Author Biography

Ivana Gačanović, Faculty of Philosohy, University of Belgrade

Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology



21 December 2022